What's in a Name?
So many questions about why we call our units "Ele and Mo". I thought I should explain. It all started with the desire to call our unit something other than "the mobile clinic". That sounded too dry, and too long to say. So, we consulted our bibles.
Ele is short for 'eleos' which is the Greek word for compassion or mercy. The definition is to feel compassion or good will towards the miserable and afflicted coupled with the desire to help them. This is exactly what we wanted to accomplish through the clinic. Our scripture reference is Matthew 14:14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick. This scripture is located above the cab.
When we knew that the dental clinic was on the way (kind of like being pregnant) we started praying about what we should call him. We already felt it should be a boy name. This unit was such a miracle in the way he came to be ours, that we started looking at the Greek and Hebrew words for miracle. The Hebrew word is 'mowpheth'. I looked it over several times thinking it was too difficult to pronounce. But nothing else seemed to fit.
We even tried words for tooth, mouth, etc. it just wasn't working for us. So, after the unit had actually arrived, I went back to 'mowpheth' and looked at the phonetic spelling. It is "mo' faith". I was so excited! The phonetic pronounciation for miracle is more faith !!! This was perfect. Now we have Ele and Mo! Our scripture reference is Psalm 77:14 You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples.
Now we have a girl and a boy . . . and after a proper courtship, who knows what will happen!
Didn't Phill take that 2nd picture? He's so creative ;p
Love it!! Praise God!!
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