b Cheri LeBlanc, MD: Education for Salvation

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Education for Salvation

With God's blessing and favor Healing Hands unveiled a new addition to the ministry outreach this weekend in Donaldsonville, LA.  In partnership with a manufacturer of diabetic medicines a teaching class was brought in to teach and educate the patients on their diabetes and treatment.  This is no ordinary class as it is interactive and I think that is just like our God to be interactive in our lives.  The patients loved it and could not get through all of the material for the first lesson because of their hunger to learn and participation in the process. 

Afterwards we found out that the class was one of the most successful ever taught by the certified instructor.  Wow! Imagine what can be accomplished when all you do is lift up Christ and focus on others with no concern for self glory.     

We are made in God's image - a three part being.  The mission of Healing Hands is to bring restoration to mind, body and spirit -- one person at a time!  If one part of our body is sick it affects the other parts.  By bringing education to the mind, the bodies of these patients will improve and their spirit man will be lifted up.  And our prayer with them and for them is that they will receive God's Holy Spirit into their heart with a life devoted to Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Because He Lives,
Joseph LeBlanc      


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